Thursday 13 August 2015

Just call me Farmer Nicola

Last Saturday I woke up and came downstairs, put the kettle on to make a cup of tea.   Then as I do every day I looked out of my kitchen window to see how my two tomato plants were doing.  To my surprise and joy I saw two green tomatoes on one of them.  Considering I had only re - planted them when they were less then a foot high, watered them on the days it didn't rain and mixed up some tomato feed and given it to them every week as instructed on the box.  I felt a great sense of achievement.

I was very surprised because they just seemed to have appeared from nowhere. I can't of been taking that much notice of them.  So I decided to take a closer look to see exactly where these tomatoes had sprung from.

I have never been up so close a personal to a tomato plant before so I didn't realise that the tomatoes actual develop where the yellow flowers shoot from.  On closer inspection I noticed a few days later that on the other plant there was another tiny tiny tomato forming.

Don't look at my messy Garden I am in the process of doing lots of things LOL

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