Friday 14 August 2015

Research on Writers/Illustrators of Picture Books

I am going to be doing research on Illustrators who have also written their own books.  I am interested in Picture books for older children or young adults.  I will be investigating how these kinds of books are constructed.  To do this I will examine the illustrative techniques used, the character design, the colour, atmosphere, page format, the typography the plot and the overall moral message.

The Illustrators/Writers that I will be looking at first are Shaun Tan, Peter Sis and Max Ernst. All have produced Picture books for Older Children / Adults.

I have been drawn to these Illustrators, because they represent what I wish to be in the near future and their styles especially Tan and Ernst are very similar to mine.

The first few books I will be looking at are:

The Red Tree
by Shaun Tan


The Lost Thing


The Three Golden Keys
by Peter Sis

Tibet through the Red Box


Une Semaine de Bonte
(A week of Kindness)
by Max Ernst

Watch out for the results of this research and see my findings in a later blog.

Please leave a comment, tell me what you think, recommend something that may help me, Thanks


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