Thursday 3 September 2015

Using those Blackberries

If you remember I harvested those Blackberries from my next door neighbours garden.  I also had some rhubarb in my fridge which my friend had given me a few week before.  So this is what I did.

I cut up my rhubarb and put it to boil in a little water.

Then I added in my Blackberries.

I let them come to a boil.

When the fruit was soft I took it off the hob and poured out most of the water.  I added some sugar to the juice and drank it. It was delicious.  I then added sugar to the fruit and stirred.

I then added the crumble mix which I had bought from the shop.  I know SHAMEFUL  LOL

I then put it in the oven for 30 minutes.

Sorry I was so excited to eat it that I forgot to take a picture of it once it was cooked.  However I can tell you it was ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS  YUM YUM!!!

However I will pick some more and maybe make blackberry and apple crumble next time.

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