Monday 17 August 2015

My Front Garden is weighing me down!!!

At the beginning of Spring I had a weed forest in my front garden and all winter I had been thinking about how I would have it done and make it look presentable.  So I asked some guys that I know if they could come and clear the weed forest for me.  It took about 17 man hours all together but they cleared all the weeds and laid down my black weed resist unfortunately I ran out and then  had to go and get some more, which I laid myself.

That was May, I was very grateful to the guys however I had Cotswold pebbles which had fallen into the soil.  I told the Guys to heap them all up on the path.  I had the great idea of cleaning the pebbles and then laying them back down.  OH MY LIFE I didn't think that it was such a big job even though everyone told me that it would be.  I have done a few but it is very labour intensive and it is doing my head in!!!!!!!!!!!

I am running out of time as I want to do it before the cold sets in.
This is what I am dealing with,

                             This section is 2.8 meters by 10 meters

This is my path where all the pebbles and soil were heaped.

This is the other section of my garden which is 1.5 meters by 10 meters.

I have four of these old tyres that I will paint and use as planters.

This is the very front of my garden where the undergrowth is coming back up, and where I sieve the pebbles, as you can see a pile at the bottom right hand side of the photo.

This is the other side at the front, with bags full of more of the latest weeds that I plucked out of the pile of pebbles and from around the edges of the black weed surpressant.

On the upside these are some of the pebbles that I have cleaned so far.
I have to sieve the soil out of them then take them to the back of my house where the water source is.  I then pressure wash them a couple of times and then VOILA!!

Close up they have scrubbed up quite nicely.

At the front of the next door neighbour's garden there are lovely blackberries growing which I will be harvesting tomorrow. LOL

After a lot of deliberation I have decided to purchase and lay down Faux grass. So that I do not have to mow the lawn and then I will lay my pebbles around the edges,and have containers dotted around, to grow things in.

Examples of fake Grass

I can't wait to get these pebble done!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Watch this space I will document my very slow progress.

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