Wednesday 9 October 2013

Make do and Mend

I would never buy another leather settee again!  I have had my Bright Red Leather Settee for about ten years now and although it is still structurally sound, on one side it looks as if it has leather leprosy.  First of all there were a couple of little spots of dirt, caused by my hair oil but now those spots have spread and degraded and look so dirty and are actually sticky.  

 I contemplated throwing it out and buying a new one, however as I said, it is still sound also I have NO MONEY so I decided to make a fitted cover for it and in the ethos of Make do and Mend, make it out of old discarded jeans. 

I started with the arms of the settee, and fitted their sleeves using different patches in contrast.

I still have to make the back for it in order to fit it but unfortunately I haven't got enough jeans left so I will have to put the word out again and get some more from my friends.  I just have a few seams to sew to attach the front piece to the sleeves.   I am very happy with my creation as I think it makes my settee look much better.

This is the beginning of a new year, new projects and new adventures.  I am determined to be more active, more creative and get more work d...