Monday 31 January 2011

A simple life

Thinking about the state of the economy and situations that have been thrust upon us. I wish I could have an old fashioned push bike to get around on, without fearing for my life. But realistically in Birmingham UK there is no way that you can use a push bike as your main mode of transport (in my opinion), without feeling that you are taking your life in your own hands.  True a few roads have got bike lanes, which is good but in the main a person has to tussle with car pollution, too many vehicles, mad drivers, drivers talking on mobile phones and generally a crazy situation.  It's illegal to ride your bike on the pavement, therefore we are forced to either walk, take public transport, take a taxi or drive. Petrol prices!!!!!! ridiculous!!!!!!! A CON!!!!!!!!

I wish I could live some place where everybody either walked, used push bikes, or scooters.  Life was at a slower pace, where I could grow vegetables and fruit in my garden, harvest them and make preserves. Knit socks in the evening next to a real fire (instead of my blow air heaters) and sew patchwork quilts for friends and family. Make clothes for myself that make me look like I stepped out of the pages of a vintage Vogue :o)  I could ride my push bike and let the breeze flow through my Afro lol. I could keep fit and trim and have fun, free wheeling down hills.  I would have a scooter just to take me to my Salsa nights and home again and life would be dandy.  What do you think?

This is the beginning of a new year, new projects and new adventures.  I am determined to be more active, more creative and get more work d...