Sunday 12 April 2015

My blooming Creativity

I felt as if for the past few years, I had a Creative block, however after beginning a new job, I noticed that my Mojo is coming back to me.  I support a lady who is studying a Masters Degree in Visual Communication.  She is specialising in Children's book illustration.  The course is really good and I am learning a lot and it is helping me to push forward with my own illustrations.  I love Collage and have been using my Gelli Prints to create interesting collages. I have also created a range of vibrant A5/A6 Handmade Greetings Cards which I have listed on Etsy. Here are a few examples:-

To view my website click on the link below

To buy My Handmade Greetings Cards visit:

Here are some of my Collage Characters that I am working on

This is the beginning of a new year, new projects and new adventures.  I am determined to be more active, more creative and get more work d...