Monday 9 May 2011

A capable wife

I would love to be a capable wife, a best friend, confidant, lover and partner and feel really disappointed that I have never had the opportunity to fulfill this role.

The scripture found at Proverbs 31: 10-31 informs a woman about what this role entails and how she can be successful.  So instead of young women dreaming of marriage in terms of a 24 hour wedding day where they are idolized in their exorbitant white dress with all the bling. Taking out a percentage of a mortgage in order to have the memories of their special day.  They need to read these twenty two verses and acknowledge the real responsibility.

" A capable wife who can find? Her value is far more than that of corals.  In her the heart of her owner has put trust, and there is no gain lacking.  She has rewarded him with good, and not bad, all the days of her life.  She has sought wool and linen, and she works at whatever is the delight of her hands.  She has proved to be like the ships of a merchant. From far away she brings in her food.  She also gets up while it is still night, and gives food to her household and the prescribed portion to her young women.  She has considered a field and proceeded to obtain it; from the fruitage of her hands she has planted a vineyard.  She has girded her hips with strength, and she invigorates her arms.  She has sensed that her trading is good; her lamp does not go out at night.  Her hands she has thrust out to the distaff, and her own hands take hold of the spindle.  Her palm she has stretched out to the afflicted one, and her hands she has thrust out to the poor one.  She does not fear for her household because of the snow, for all her household are clothed with double garments. Coverlets she has made for herself. Her clothing is of linen and wool dyed reddish purple.  Her owner is someone known in the gates, when he sits down with the older men of the land.  She has made even undergarments and proceeded to sell [them], and belts she has given to the tradesmen. Strength and splendor are her clothing, and she laughs at a future day.  Her mouth she has opened in wisdom, and the law of loving-kindness is upon her tongue.  She is watching over the goings-on of her household, and the bread of laziness she does not eat.  Her sons have risen up and proceeded to pronounce her happy; her owner [rises up], and he praises her. There are many daughters that have shown capableness, but you—you have ascended above them all.  Charm may be false, and prettiness may be vain; [but] the woman that fears Jehovah is the one that procures praise for herself.  GIVE her of the fruitage of her hands, and let her works praise her even in the gates."

So a capable wife is industrious, hard working  and creative in order to look after and protect her husband and family, she  not only manages a household but might also handle real-estate transactions, establish and grow a productive garden, run a small business, and be known for her words of wisdom. Most important of all was the praiseworthy woman’s reverential fear of Jehovah. No wonder the value of such a wife was “far more than that of corals”! Precious red coral was highly prized for jewelry and decorative purposes.—

As a single mother I have tried to put these things into practice, however I would like to own the title of "Capable Wife" eventually  one day .......................some time in my life...........................Lol

This is the beginning of a new year, new projects and new adventures.  I am determined to be more active, more creative and get more work d...